Safe Digging for Homeowners and Contractors

Did you know that an underground utility line is damaged every 6 minutes in this country simply because no one called Dig Safe and their water and sewer utility?   It is the law that you or your contractor call before you do any digging.  Calling will ensure everyone’s safety, prevent damage to underground lines and avoid unplanned service interruptions.  It could cost you a lot of money in fines and repair costs if any damage is done.  If you cover or damage your water shut off valve box when working on a project, we may not be able to quickly shut your water off in an emergency.

Before you get ready to start any projects, like the ones in the list below, make sure to let us know about your plans so we can check if there are any water lines or valves in your project area.  We will adjust your valve box free of charge if we know about it ahead of time.

Here is a list of some of the projects we would like to know about before you start:

    Install a fence, mailbox, yard sign, flag pole, or pole for a basketball hoop.

    Install a deck, porch, patio, swimming pool, or garage.

    Install a sprinkler system, pet perimeter fence, septic tank, leach bed, change the grade of you land, or      repave/repair your driveway.

    Plant trees, bushes, or add a flower bed.

Here are a few important phone numbers:

Dover and Foxcroft Water District:  207-564-2310

Dover-Foxcroft Sewer Department:  207-564-3905

DigSafe:  1-888-DIG-SAFE (344-7233) or Call 811

For more information check out or call us and we will try help you through the process.

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